Thursday, March 24, 2011

Happy 5th birthDAY

Apparently, when you graduate from college, you tend to think of what to do with your life. You may not be able to know it in just a snap but you will prolly know it eventually.

But if you want to rush things, you could be just like me. Tried out everything just to find out. Got a job, resigned, got another, resigned after 2-3 days, bum, party, bum, party, plan a business, party some more, business and got a job again.

Here I am, at the office blogging about what I am doing here. Oh hey, I'm an editorial assistant for Gadgets Magazine. I'm happy, though I have to get up early(office is at QC), it's okay. People are awesome, jobs nice and it what i wanted. what me and my comet had wanted to do.

I survived 5 days already, and will last longer. i hope. haha!:))