Friday, July 2, 2010

I'll sky rocket to where you are

try hard to explain

friends, for letting you down. It wasn't my intention, You guys know how hard I tried. But you guys know how I tried to fight, but there will always come a time when we just cant fight anymore. Not because we grew tired in fighting but because there is none to fight for.

There are some things that I have learned during everything that had happened, I am just learning how to make myself happy and make myself the priority this time. I may sound selfish but I had enough of making other people happy and leaving myself feel worthless and empty.

At this very moment, I am happy in where I am. Happy on who I became. Happy on everything. The pieces of my life is falling into place.

'The moment may only last a few seconds... but the memories of it will last a lifetime. ' Somehow I don't care if its only a moment. I'm back being a person who doesn't care about tomorrow or the next day, I just care about now. Because whatever happens today is the thing that will shape what happens.

Shit happens. Deal with it.

Yes they do, and every time I try to contemplate about how everything in my life became this way it makes me sad because I know I did everything I can and yet there are still many things that I should have done.

I miss you and sometimes I just want to sky rocket to where you are. Like before, I wanted to feel your hug and forget the world. It makes me feel everything will be okay, not in that very moment but someday. Now, every time I see you, it just breaks my heart. Breaks my heart, for limiting what I can do. For building walls around me. For letting everything fall apart.

On this part I will blame you.

I told you I will not fight for this anymore, yet you let everything fall apart. That will be the only thing I can blame you with. I got out of this mess with no less than myself and yet you looked at me and didn't say a word. You chose to walk away, and i did too. We took different paths.

Now I am gaining myself again.

Dont try to make me feel guilty of being happy, thats the best thing I can do for myself now. And all I can tell you is..

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