Thursday, July 5, 2012

end of the road

Everything needed to stop. It was an emotionally draining ride and I kept giving til  nothing was left of me. I can't believe how far I've gone for this and the 5-year ride was the best and worst days of my life, it was an up and down journey and I don't regret any of it. The pain and the happiness kept me going all these years but suddenly I caught a glimpse of myself and I didn't want the person I became, I gave too much and got a little too less. I became so open to everything the world has to give. I have forgotten how to love myself, to take care of myself and to be myself. Honestly, I think I've lost myself along the way and now I have to put the pieces together. I'm sorry to everyone who believed in us, we tried very hard but every push and every try bruised us and made it harder to go on. The questions and the doubts made me think about all these, if it is still worth it, and I've been asking myself for too long. Sorry but I'm raising the white flag.

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