Sunday, July 11, 2010

we're young and free, why ruin it?

we're young and free, why ruin it?

Feelings are overrated.
They mess up the truth and even everything that can be compared to it.
Every moment was gone in a flash.

I was having a late night chat with a high school friend, then i remembered how easy life was when I was younger. Life was just a day to day activity, I live and thats it. Nothing much to worry about.

we're young and free, why ruin it?

First step done, second step pending...
Well, it wasn't that easy for me to say how I feel, I know I am very vocal about everything I want to say but it seems so hard now. I don't know why or how this had happened. But it isn't that bad after all. At least I get to spend time with my heart and with my brain to think things over.

we're young and free, why ruin it?

So i'm planning to get a place nearer work, coz yes I am one of those lazy writers who complains about writers block but actually its just writers laziness. There, i said it out loud. I'm too lazy to travel from my place to the office. So was it a joke that you too wants to move in? and with me? I can't figure out whats a joke or not. can i not think about this chiz anymore?

we're young and free, why ruin it?

Complicated is just a state of mind, if you look into things you will realize this things isn't so complicated after all. Its just another easy way out. Its a choice to look at things complicatedly or to straighten things out.

or maybe you're just like me. A complicated mind, doesn't mind to fix up things.

we're young and free, why ruin it? LETS JUST FREE FALL.

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